To provide hands-on engineering
experience to students at UCLA

Our student organization was founded by a group of students united by the belief that that hands-on experience is foundational in becoming a successful engineer. Since then, we have devoted our time and energies towards providing project experience that compliments UCLA's engineering coursework. In addition to tools, our organization provides like-minded and experienced project leads that provide fundamental background knowledge, as well as guide students through challenging and interesting projects.


For contacts and inquiries,
please email us at:

For bug reports and
website suggestions:

56-125B Engineering IV UCLA
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Get Involved

IEEE National Organization

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the primary professional society of the electrical engineering profession. It has more than 330,000 members worldwide; including 52,000 student members. It publishes more than 40 technical journals and sponsors or co-sponsors more than 1,000 scientific conferences and meetings around computer engineering, computer science, and related fields. The IEEE has a student branch in every major university in curriculum. Getting involved with the IEEE national organization is highly encouraged, and can provide you with many resources to jump-start an engineering career and expand your network.

To find out more, visit the IEEE website!

General Member

One of the most common questions we receive is how can one become a member of our club. We don't have tight restrictions on who is and who isn't a member. Becoming a general member of our club is as simple as getting involved with one of our project curriculums, participating in any of our annual workshop series, showing up to a social or two, joining our Facebook page, or even just sitting in the lab just to say hi to your favorite officers.

Whichever you choose to do to get more involved, we'll be more than happy to welcome you to the club!

General Board

General Board is our annual mentorship program. Every year, members of our officer board choose to lead a group of 3-5 general members for the rest of the academic year. Each GB decides on a a set of focuses for their group, chosen among technical projects, hosting socials and events, or professional development. In addition, members of a GB get first-hand experience in what it's like to be an officer for this organization, which usually motivates higher club involvement in the future.

General Board is a great way to experience a closer and more personal experience with us! Applications and info sessions happen a couple weeks before heading off for Winter break, so keep an eye out for those on our Facebook page, and in our newsletter.

Visit! It's a page we created with some neat visuals and statistics about General Board.

Our Competitions


Our annual All-America Micromouse Competition brings schools and universities together over one Micromouse competition. In this competition, school teams have their mice put to the test as they run through multiple maze challenges, in hopes of out-performing the rest of the competition. It's an intense, fun-filled, and tiring day of everything and anything Micromouse!

The 2023 competition is planned for Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday May 27th - Sunday May 28th) at UCLA. Please email if interested in competing!


Every year, we team up with Theta Tau at UCLA in order to put on IDEA Hacks, a hardware-focused hackathon. Hackers are invited onto our campus and challenged to hack with hardware that we provide to build something relevant to the year's theme. Winner's get to take home some need prizes!

Take me to!


SPAX is an annual student professional awareness event organized by IEEE at UCLA. It focuses on providing students with professional awareness, networking opportunities, and industry contact to not only prepare participants to be leaders in their future careers, but also provide opportunities to those who may not have access. Every year, the X switches between C for conference and V for venture. During SPAC, a group of selected speakers come to share their experiences with participants. During SPAV, participants venture out to selected companies to learn more about their prospects.


Work hard. Play hard.

Our collaborative and friendly culture is the foundation of our organization. We furthur reinforce our culture by hosting quartly events and socials meant to bring members closer together and form new friendships. Some of our favorite events are our Fall BBQ, heading out for KBBQ, and our in-house ultimate frisbee tournaments! For more information on our events and socials, sign up for our mailing list!



IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Large Student Branch


IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Large Student Branch


Region 6 Exemplary Student Branch Award

Darrel Chong Student Activities Award, IDEA Hacks


IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Large Student Group


IEEE Student Branch Website Competition, Honorable Mention

IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Large Student Branch

UCLA Engineering Student Group of the Year

All America Micromouse Competition (held at UCLA), First Place

UCLA Natcar Competition (held at UCLA), First Place

UCLA Natcar Competition (held at UCLA), Second Place

Davis Cup Competition (held at UC Davis), Third Place

California MicroMouse (held at UCSD), First Place

ViaCar Competition (held at UCSD), First Place

ViaCar Competition (held at UCSD), Second Place

IEEE Region 6 Ethics Contest (held at UCLA), First Place

IEEE Student Professional Awareness Venture (S-PAVe) (held at UCLA)


IEEE Region 6 Ethics Contest (held at UCLA), First Place

IEEE Region 6 Souther Area MicroMouse Competition (held at UCLA), Third Place

IEEE Student Professional Awareness Venture (S-PAVe) (held at UCLA)

ESUC Student Group of the Year


IEEE Region 6 Ethics Contest (held at UCLA), First Place

IEEE Exemplary Student Branch Award

IEEE Region 6 Southern Area MicroMouse Competition (held at CSULB), First Place

California MicroMouse Competition (held at UC San Diego), Third Place

IEEE Student Professional Awareness Venture (S-PAVe) (held at UCLA)

IEEE Region 6 Exemplary Student Branch Award

ESUC Student Group of the Year

UCLA HSSEAS Senior Dinner, Outstanding Student Group


IEEE Region 6 Southern Area, Outstanding Student Branch, Runner-up

IEEE Region 6 Southern Area MicroMouse Competition (held at CSUN), First Place

IEEE Southern California University MicroMouse Competition (held at UCLA), First Place

IEEE Region 6 Ethics Contest (held at UCLA), Second Place

Southern California ViaCar Competition (held at UCSD), First Place

UCLA HSSEAS Senior Dinner, Most Improved Student Group of the Year Award

UCLA hosted the IEEE Region 6 Southern Area Meeting, and the Student Leadership Workshop (CSULA, CSULB, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, CSUN, UCR, UCLA attended)


IEEE-USA Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC)


IEEE Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award

IEEE Region 6 Southern Area, Outstanding Student Branch, Runner-up


UCLA IEEE 40th Anniversary Banquet at Marriott Marina del Rey (approximately 200 attendees)

IEEE-USA Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC)

IEEE Region 6, Student Branch Website Contest, Runner-up

IEEE Region 6 Southern Area, Outstanding Student Branch

IEEE Region 6, Outstanding Student Paper Contest, Second Place

IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award (Dr. Ken Yang)

UCLA IEEE Forum (distinguished speaker series)

UCLA Engineering Society, Engineers Week Outstanding Participation Award

UCLA hosted the IEEE Region 6 Spring Meeting (approximately 100 attendees), the Student Paper Contest, and the MicroMouse Competition


IEEE Region 6, Student Branch Website Contest, Second Place

IEEE Region 6, Outstanding Student Paper Contest, First Place

UCLA IEEE Forum (distinguished speaker series)

UCLA Engineering Society, Engineers Week Outstanding Participation Award


UCLA IEEE Forum (distinguished speaker series)

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